FB2024_02 , released April 23, 2024
FB2024_02 , released April 23, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term two hybrid ID (Ontology) MI:0018 (Molecular Interactions)
Definition The classical two-hybrid system is a method that uses transcriptional activity as a measure of protein-protein interaction. It relies on the modular nature of many site-specific transcriptional activators (GAL 4) , which consist of a DNA-binding domain and a transcriptional activation domain. The DNA-binding domain serves to target the activator to the specific genes that will be expressed, and the activation domain contacts other proteins of the transcriptional machinery to enable transcription to occur. The two-hybrid system is based on the observation that the two domains of the activator need to be non-covalently brought together by the interaction of any two proteins. The application of this system requires the expression of two hybrid. Generally this assay is performed in yeast cell, but it can also be carried out in other organism. The bait protein is fused to the DNA binding molecule, the prey to the transcriptional activator.[ PubMed:10967325 PubMed:12634794 PubMed:1946372 ]
Also Known As "2 hybrid" ; "2-hybrid" ; "2H" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
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 two hybrid (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)    3290
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
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  protein complementation assay
   |__transcriptional complementation assay
       |__two hybrid  5256 rec.
           |__gal4 vp16 complementation
           |__lexa b52 complementation
           |__lexa vp16 complementation
           |__protein three hybrid 17 rec.
           |__two hybrid array 1984 rec.
           |__two hybrid pooling approach
           |   |__two hybrid bait and prey pooling approach
           |   |__two hybrid bait or prey pooling approach(+)
           |__validated two hybrid
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Is a transcriptional complementation assay
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  • "2 hybrid" EXACT PSI-MI-short
    "2-hybrid" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "2H" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "2h" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "classical two hybrid" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "Gal4 transcription regeneration" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "two-hybrid" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
    "Y-2H" RELATED
    "Y2H" EXACT
    "yeast two hybrid" EXACT PSI-MI-alternate
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