Batch Download

Please note: The Precomputed files page contains links to bulk data sets, such as FASTA files for the sequenced genomes, that are generated for each FlyBase release. The bulk files available are described on the Files Overview page. The Batch Download tool provides access to data relating to a specific list of IDs or sequence coordinates.

Batch Download

Output Format

Output Options

FASTA Sequence
Database Format
Full Data Only
Chado XML
Field Data
Selected Fields Only

You may enter FlyBase IDs, Symbols, Annotation Symbols, Clone Names or PubMed IDs.

Batch Download Help

Last Updated: 30 September 2008

The Batch Download tool provides access to a variety of data and data formats for a specified list of IDs. The specified list of IDs can be large (e.g. all genes) or small (e.g. one gene), but each ID should be provided on a separate line. The types of data available through Batch Download include FASTA sequences, XML files, and data from specified fields on reports. Results can be downloaded or viewed online. Batch Download does not work with out of date (secondary) IDs. If your IDs are from a previous FlyBase release we strongly suggest that you first validate them by using our ID Converter tool. Once validated you can then export them to a HitList and then once again to Batch Download.

hide Getting Started

The Batch Download tool is organized into three main parts: Selection of Output Format (what type of data are you looking for), Output Options (for each format, there are multiple options), and the input area at the bottom of the page.

To get started, you should select the type of data you'd like to retrieve. The types of data that can be accessed through Batch Download include:

  • FASTA sequence
  • Database format (XML)
  • Field data (i.e. the curated data that appears on our various reports)

After selecting an output format, select additional output options from the pull down menus. For example, if FASTA sequences are selected, you'll need to specify which type of sequences you'd like to retrieve (e.g. Gene region, translations, etc.)

Output can either be sent to your browser or to a file. Choose which option you prefer using the drop down menu under "Send results to:".

Finally, enter your list of IDs. The list of IDs can be separated by commas, tabs, return characters or spaces, and can be entered manually in the box, by uploading the information from your computer, or by arriving at Batch Download via "Export hits to Batch Download" from a hits list. If you've opted to retrieve FASTA sequence or Database formatted data (XML), simply click "Get sequence" or "Get records" to retrieve your data. However, if you've selected Field Data, you'll need to complete another step, which is to select the exact fields of interest.

For more detailed help, please see following sections that include step-by-step instructions for each output format.

hide How to Download FASTA Sequence

There are several options for the download of FASTA sequences including:

  • Gene region (beginning to end of longest transcript)
  • Extended Gene region (gene region plus 2kb on either end)
  • CDS (coding sequences)
  • Introns
  • Exons
  • Translations
  • Transcripts
  • 3' UTR
  • 5' UTR
  • Transposons
  • By sequence coordinates

In all cases except "Transposons" and "By sequence coordinates", you should enter gene symbols. For "Transposons" enter transposon symbols (e.g. P-element, hobo, copia). For "By sequence coordinates", enter GBrowse-style coordinates (e.g. 2R:8717636..8727699). Multiples of coordinates can be entered.

Remember to specify whether you want your results returned in a browser window or written to a text file that you can save on your computer.

hide How to Download Database XML

To retrieve XML, first select either Chado XML or Reporting XML. Then, enter the IDs for the features of interest. You can enter any type of feature for which there are reports on FlyBase (e.g. genes, alleles, insertions, natural transposons, etc.).

Remember to specify whether you want your results returned in a browser window or written to a text file that you can save on your computer.

hide How to Download Field Data

"Field Data" includes all the data that is presented in any of our reports. For example, for a list of genes, you can retrieve transcript expression data, GO: Molecular Function terms, lists of cDNA clones, etc. For a list of alleles, you can retrieve phenotypic class information, lists of stocks, etc. There are three output options: As HTML Table, As Tab Separated File, and From Precomputed Files. Use the first option if you are going to view your results in the browser window or print them out directly, since the output will be nicely formatted. However, if you'd like to save your output in a file or open it in a spreadsheet, choose to see the data tab separated. Finally, the option to see data from Precomputed Files allows you to obtain the data available in our precomputed files for your list of IDs. For example, if you have a list of genes, you can get the overlapping affy oligos from the "Genes: fbgn_exons2affy1_overlaps.tsv" file. There are many other options available from precomputed files, so it's worth taking a look at the list.

It is important to note that Batch Download can only retrieve information about a single dataset at one time. For example, you cannot simultaneously retrieve field data for genes and alleles. If you input a list that contains a mix of gene and allele symbols, whichever data type has more entries will be recognized and the other data type will be ignored. If your list contains equal numbers, the identity of the first entry on the list will be recognized.

Remember to specify whether you want your results returned in a browser window or written to a text file that you can save on your computer.

Once you have entered your list of IDs, click "Select Fields". This opens a new window that includes a menu of all the available fields for your dataset of interest. The fields are organized in a similar fashion to the report pages. Multiple fields can be selected at once by checking more than one check box, or by using the Check Section or Check All buttons.

Click "Get field data" to obtain your results.

Important tip: If you entered Batch Download via a Hits List (i.e. you exported your hits from the Hits List to Batch Download), your data will be entered as FlyBase IDs (e.g. FBgn, FBal, etc.). If you want to see the associated symbols in your output, be sure to select the field "Symbol: symbol".