FB2024_02 , released April 23, 2024
Fast-Track Your Paper into FlyBase
FlyBase News

Did you know you can use our Fast-Track Your Paper tool to rapidly link your paper to the relevant Gene Reports in FlyBase and help prioritize your paper for further data curation? Just click on the 'Fast-Track Your Paper' icon on the left of the FlyBase homepage and follow the simple instructions. Authors using this tool get their data into FlyBase as quickly as possible, thereby maximizing the visibility of their work to the research community.

Some authors have been 'Fast-Tracking' their papers since 2009, but we'd like more authors to alert FlyBase to their published work in this way. To facilitate this, we're making a couple of changes to the process. First, we've improved the interface of the tool so that it's even easier to use. Second, we will soon start emailing the Corresponding Authors of new papers entering FlyBase each week requesting that they complete a "Fast Track Your Paper" form pre-loaded with their publication details.

So if you are a Corresponding Author who receives this e-mail, please take the few minutes required to fill in the form, or send the request on to a co-author or member of your group to complete on your behalf.