FB2024_02 , released April 23, 2024
Funding Opportunity to Increase Trainee Participation, Equity and Diversity
FlyBase News

The Drosophila Board invites applications for funding to support efforts to increase trainee participation, equity and diversity in the Drosophila research community. Non-profit programs that introduce middle school, high school or college students to Drosophila research are eligible to apply. Please provide the following:

  1. Name and contact information
  2. A 1-page summary of the program, including an explanation of how the program would promote diversity, equity, and inclusion among Drosophila scientists
  3. A budget of up to $2000

The number of students that can be reached through the proposed program and financial need of the applicant organization will be considered in selecting proposals for awards. Applications are due by Dec. 31st 2021 to Nancy.Rodrigueznyulangone.org.